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269 S Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA

(833) 338-0160

Corporate Finance & Funding

The principals of Avalon have been in the real estate investment and valuation space for over thirty seven years. The experience of working through several cycles has afforded Avalon the ability to develop strategies that challenge common tactile real estate investment methods and allow us to create value through our own transactional methods. We didn’t design this program to make thousands of dollars. We designed it to make millions. The resources listed below make good deals happen. 

One Main Financial
Personal Funding Made Simple
Get Me Funds
One Main Financial
Designed For Those Who Need Fast Funding
Get Funded Now
Special Programs & Administration

Quick Start Program

Get your $150,000 of certifiable equity and or cash flowing property for only $250 per day (3 day min) $750.00). Maximum 3 people per cohort. However, each participant responsible for their own fees payable to Avalon once profits from sell of project or funding from Branding portal occurs, whichever comes first. 

Reverse Gentrification Program

Our Reverse Gentrification program was designed for our members to take advantage of exceptional property deals that may be located in States other than the home State of the partner. To this regard each partner would manage their project either on location or remotely, and bring the profits back to wherever they live.    

Joint Ventures & Seller Terms

Whenever market conditions slow down due to high interest rates it rarely stops market activity. To this regard we are well inclined to engage owners to carry (become the lender) for some or all of the financing necessary to make a good deals happen. Seller 2nds, Subject To’s, and JV Partnerships to name a few. 

Funding Agencies & Administration

Get Me Funds

Get Me Funds has been serving customers since 2008. Over this period of time we have helped hundreds of consumers fulfil their borrowing needs, through our professional loan placement services.    

One Main Financial

We’re not like other lenders, because you’re not like any other customer. You have your own unique questions, needs and goals. That’s why we look at more than your traditional credit score.   

Verderber & Associates

Whether you need to cover car repairs, vet visits, dream getaways, or just want to breathe a little easier with debt consolidation, our personal loans are built to fit your needs. 

Corporate Funding & Processes

Our multi-phase approach that will establish or bolster your business credit profile. Those with exceptional personal profiles may opt to bypass some of the initial recommendations. This business content is not exhaustive, but NOT GUARANTEED.  Content based on the best information available at time of publication. Also, we advise most or all business finance obtained should be used for arbitrage purposes and NOT for personal debt, goods, or expenses. The following is our recommendation on how to establish a sustainable business credit profile: 

Phase One: (Establish the foundation of the business). Establish your business name and determine where you want your business to be legally registered. THEN file it with the Secretary of that State. THEN, file for an Employee Identification Number from the Internal Revenue Service. THEN, create a website for the business. THEN, establish a business phone number. THEN, establish the address where your business will operate out of. THEN, obtain any necessary licenses for the business. THEN, list your business in a formidable 411 information directory. Note: It may at times be prudent to acquire one or more pre-existing corporations or businesses that are no longer functional. From there we would rehab the business model, incorporate one of our models, and operate the business under our new management and ownership. The following websites can be extremely helpful. | 

Phase Two: (Establish Account With CRAs). Next reach out to Dun & Bradstreet, Experian Business, Equifax Business, and a free monitoring service can be found at THEN, go to credit-reports-small-business / | Get a copy of your business credit report and check for accuracy. Maintain positive accounts.     

Phase Three: (Dispute Negative Information). First freeze credit information reported by the shadow credit reporting agencies (Lexis Nexis, Innovis, ARS, Sagestream, Corelogic, etc. GO TO for complete list of shadow credit reporting agencies). Then dispute derogatory info to the main credit bureaus. The fair credit reporting act dictates any info that can- not be verified must be removed within a statutory time period. PAY OFF any outstanding balances and negotiate collection removal from your report. There is at least one shadow credit reporter who only corresponds through fax. Those who don’t have fax machines can go to and follow instructions to generate a one-off fax record.   

Phase Four: (Establish Vendor & Lender Accounts). Those with less than good personal credit should go the route of applying for Net 30 accounts and secured loan and credit card products. Those with exceptional personal credit may opt to apply for mid-level to higher end revolving credit and lending options. However, we have found that Credit Unions are the best options to build into the higher end business credit thresholds. Then larger banks such as Wells Fargo, Corporate American Express, B of A, and other large banks are happy to provide credit.

Phase Five: (High Limit Strategies). If your business only collects small fees for goods and services you can expect small credit limits. Conversely, larger ticket items will garner larger limits and credit lines. No more than two accounts should be applied for every four to six months.  
One Main Financial
Designed for Those Who Need Fast Funding
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Get Me Funds
Designed For Those Who Need Fast Funding
Learn More

Hard Money Loans are generally means non-traditional or conventional loans with higher than typical interest rates and associate terms. A critical service Avalon provides is funding assistance for our Acquisition Partners. We have our finger on the pulse of the most aggressive private lenders in each market we canvass. And there may be times where we will opt to provide in-house funding on the most premium deals that we select for our Acquisition Partners. Partners may opt for their own funding resources as well.

Transactional loans are extremely short-term loans (ie. 1-5 days) that afford an otherwise qualified end user borrower the ability to purchase an acquisition outright provided there is a third party or entity ready to purchase the acquisition from that borrower. These loans typically have no upfront or additional fees and involve no appraisals or credit checks. Fees for this service may vary, but they are usually from 1-3 transaction points. Most lenders will only charge one point for loans less than two days. 

A Bridge loan is short-term loan or financing used until a person or company can secure permanent financing or pays off an existing obligation.  

Gap funding for real estate investors closes the “gap” left between what a hard money lender covers and what your investing project costs. 

A typical hard money loan only covers 70% to 80% of the purchase price of a property. That leaves you to come up with the other 20% to 30% as a down payment, plus closing costs. And while most hard money lenders do provide 100% of the renovation costs, they require you to put up the money for each phase of repairs first, then they reimburse you in draws. 

In other words, you need tens of thousands of your own money to flip a house or do a BRRR deal—unless you borrow from a second source for real estate gap funding. 

Funding Agents & Agencies
An old compass on an old map.

Concierge Services

Concierge Services orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec 

A luxury car outside of a modern property

Acquisition & Equity

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The agencies we use exemplify the best in class knowledge and service base available. Our resource pools provide necessary capital for many of our most discerning clients. We earn ten percent of each round of capital we secure on behalf of our clients or affiliate entities. TO BE CLEAR, We developed this platform to create significant sums of money in a relatively short time span through “Direct Content”,  “Immediate Immersion”, & “Rapid Fire Closing” techniques, versus months of hoping a Flip or BRRRR plan will work out. 


Welcome to Takeoff Financial Take Your Credit to the Moon Our Financial Consulting Firm Specializes In Restoring Clients Credit Profile to be Closer Towards Financial Freedom.

Three Step Process we use for cleaning your credit, Establishing Credit, and securing your first $20,000 in funding within 60 days Or Less. Open your doors to new possibilities, zero experience required.