
 Email Address

 Contact Number

269 S Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA

(833) 338-0160

Avalon Concierge Services

The genesis behind formation of the Avalon PEG was to create a package containing all of the services necessary for a new or experienced investor to succeed in Residential Real Estate Investing. We determined that all of the services necessary for a complete transaction were very disjointed and even evasive. Therefore, it became our mission to engage all of the necessary features to make the experience very user friendly. Once we perfected this specialization we determined that financing for residential projects may be plentiful, but there was a disconnect in finding the entities or people who serve this market. And then once they are found, there could be a barrier for investors who don’t speak “lender language”. Therefore, we have been able to fill this chasm through our Best-in-Class Real Estate Investor Concierge services. 

Acquisition Investor Concierge Services

Once we select an event, we then canvass for good acquisition projects in the areas where the meet ups are held, connect with the sellers of the projects or their intermediaries if any, and initiate inroads to any ancillary services (i.e. Title, insurance, private lenders, etc.) necessary to acquire the property or project(s).  

One of our most critical jobs is turning our Partners “expense” sheets into cash flowing “Balance Sheets”. Click onto this link to begin the process.

Many of the projects we canvass may be in up-and-coming neighborhoods, and some of the properties we select may be most suitable for renters.       To this regard we will make certain we align with the most formidable tenant advocate agencies available, particularly those who have established “rent-to-own” programs that could be good for the tenants we may place into our properties. We may also consider Gov’t assistance programs such as Section 8 or other similar programs. 

We attend the “best-in-class” Tradeshows, Business Expos, and other large business meet ups in various cities and locales that revolve around real estate investing and business development. Once we select an event, we then canvass for good acquisition projects in the areas where the meet ups are held, connect with the sellers of the projects or their intermediaries if any, and initiate inroads to any ancillary services (i.e. Title, insurance, private lenders, etc.) necessary to acquire the property or project(s).

We insure to initiate inroads to any ancillary services (i.e. Title, insurance, private lenders, etc.) necessary to acquire the property or project(s).

Upon acquisition of a property, we assist our Partners with the most reliable contractors and handmen available to the area. We will only select professionals with excellent experience and who come with the most exceptional references.

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Real Estate Investor Concierge Package

The genesis behind formation of the Avalon PEG was to create a package containing all of the services necessary for a new or experienced investor to succeed in Residential Real Estate Investing. We determined that all of the services necessary for a complete transaction were very disjointed and even evasive. Therefore, it became our mission to engage all of the necessary features to make the experience very user friendly. Once we perfected this specialization we determined that financing for residential projects may be plentiful, but there was a disconnect in finding the entities or people who serve this market. And then once they are found, there could be a barrier for investors who don’t speak “lender language”. Therefore, we have been able to fill this chasm through our Best-in-Class Real Estate Investor Concierge services.