The Avalon Private Equity Group functions as a cross between a Real Estate Investor Concierge Service on property matters, and a Private Equity firm on capital & arbitrage matters. We specialize in creating strategic Partnerships for the acquisition of one-off propositions up through portfolio acquisition package deals. Our 40 years of valuation and acquisition experience afford us the skillsets necessary to navigate or reverse engineer the investment process with ease as we convert quieted equity into cash flow.
From our exceptional Quick Start programsall the way up through our Luxury Unit Portals, our primary mission is to organically create value through Income property. TO BE CLEAR – We developed this platform to create significant sums of money in a relatively short time span through “Direct Content”, “Immediate Immersion”, & “Rapid Fire Closing” techniques, versus months of hoping a Flip or BRRRR plan will work out.
Our Quick Start Program was designed for those who want to start their journey NOW. The programs we developed are short, sweat, and to the point, but pack a lot of power. We specialize in [solving problems] for our partners, clients, and affiliates.