
 Email Address

 Contact Number

269 S Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 


(888) 296-3123

Tech Scapes

Our Tech Scape Units come with the latest interactive home features including voice command centers, Security integration, pre-wired surround sound system, & more contemporary features.  

From $599,000   

Avalon Unit Selection Portal

Avalon Corridor Available Models

Tech Scape

Avalon Tech Scapes


Avalon Traditionals

Country Squire

Avalon Country Squire

Sea Scape

Avalon Sea Scapes

Welcome Home

A phone and a tech home design
A black refrigerator with grocery items

Our Tech Scape Units come with the latest interactive home features including voice command centers, Security integration, pre-wired surround sound system, & more contemporary features.   

Supporting Our Partners is Top Priority. The core features of the platforms we provide were developed to help the community at large & reverse the trend of unaffordability in the L.A.  market.