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269 S Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 


(888) 296-3123

Equity Cap Partners

A conference room with a large window overlooking a city.


Equity Cap Partners may initially opt to participate in (Avalon’s portion) of the vested interest of a project until that project is liquidated or rented. These Partners receive double the ROC noted below AFTER a profit split of (30% to Avalon) with an Acquisition Partner. Although Equity Participation deals are typically more profitable, they may not be structured for quick turnaround like other Avalon debt based or “arbitrage” deals. Equity Pool splits are based on amount initially placed with Avalon. 

Sub-Equity pools can be created for Partners whose minimal payout is not covered by profits of the core pool or project. However, only for amounts necessary to make up any shortfall, and with no other ownership interests.

A hand holding a pen.


Avalon’s Debt Participation program starts out as a simple interest payment proposition. Once an Equity Pool has been approved by all Partners, and Avalon has contractual control of a property, each Partner may opt to keep the Debt agreement “as is” OR convert their interest to a “hands on” Equity Participation option. If converted, Avalon will take possession of allocated lines of credit funds, with no restrictions as to how the funds are used and retire vacated Debt position. 

Accrued or Interest paid out must be forfeited in lieu of the new Equity participation. Fund can be paid off prior to full term. Interest calculated per annum & paid quarterly. Upon early retirement of participation, principal and interest prorated up through date of departure. All Equity Cap Partnerships start at Tier One (See scale below) to initiate and familiarize with Avalon’s management of the fund. Partners may participate in one or more larger pools thereafter. Our Equity Cap Partner offerings range from the low thousands into several million dollars. 

Return On Capital Rates

Tier One currently pays one hundred percent (100%). This preferred rate will be offered for a limited time only. Equity Partners may have as many Tier One Partnerships as they come available. 

Tier Two is currently paying a 75% ROI

Tier Three is currently paying a 50% ROI

Tier Four is currently paying a 35% ROI

Tier Five incorporates Transactional deals that close withing two to five days. 

Best In Class Partnerships

Many of our transactions revolve around Partners who want their money turned around in a few short days. Our Transactional platforms afford Avalon the ability to offer rapid returns to our short-term Equity Partners and provides acquisition funding, earnest money, or down payment capital for our Acquisition Partners, provided there’s a back-end transaction in place with enough money in it to create a front-end profit, and there are no mitigating contingencies. Our transactional offerings range from the low thousands into several million dollars.