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269 S Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 


(888) 296-3123

Equity Cap Credit Lines

LINES OF CREDIT – Each Partner will initiate a Line of credit account for Avalon of Five thousand to Fifty thousand dollars, with debit or credit access issued to the principal or a functionary of Avalon. A secondary account will also be opened for profits made through Avalon. Upon full engagement, Avalon charges a five percent (5%) fee for management of the initial Equity Pool for initial transaction. Then fees move down to two and a half percent (2.5%) thereafter. Funds do not go hard until all the positions of an Equity Pool have been filled, and Avalon has contractual control of at least one project. Use of funds by anyone other than Avalon will nullify this agreement.

Credit lines will be specifically used for pre-approved business matters. Partners maintain purview over all matters that pertain to the credit lines and may suspend the line at any time for review. Liquidation or payoff of a “qualifying” Equity pool or property will cause Avalon to replace the asset(s) within ten days to maintain security leverage of any Equity Partnership.