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269 S Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 


(888) 296-3123

Acquisition Partners

A beautiful mediterranean style home in texas.


Our Acquisition Partners take on the “day-to-day” elements of the projects we select on their behalf. Once we select a business meet up venue and canvass for properties, we then attend The Big Show, and engage with prospective Partners who are already pre-disposed to move into the real estate investment space. We also canvass for those in search of new job opportunities and or those suffering any form of economic displacement. Then, once we identify the best candidates, we provide them with all of the resources necessary to acquire projects that have already been vetted. Also, by tapping into underserved real estate markets we can create the supply, the demand, and the end-user-buyers, effectively creating new sub-markets, and affording us the ability to profit at will.

NOTE: Acquistion Partners will agree to take on the entire disposition and renovation of any project we submit for their consideration. 

Avalon is only obliged or relegated to “front end” acquisition matters of each project that we present for consideration.  

In many cases there is a substantial learning curve, and at times there will be failed projects. But not to worry, Avalon stands behind all of its Partners. We will work with each Partner to come up with the best outcome when assistance is needed. 

Fees & Splits – We charge Acquisition Partners $2,500 to initiate these services, and we participate in net profits and income once an acquisition has been stabilized or liquidated. However, we may opt to assist Acquisition Partners with no funds out of their pockets by building our fees into an initial acquisition transaction up front. Upon fruition of a transaction, the split we typically arrange with these Partners is 70% their way, and 30% to Avalon. We may then split our profits with Equity Partners if there are any at the time.


In congruence with the techniques we use relieving our Partners from having to take possession of a property or project, Avalon Acquisition Affiliates are individuals who make their profits through recruiting, referrals, and participation in Trade show and Expo activities that do not involve direct property ownership matters. Affiliates receive compensation and bonuses depending on the type of partnerships they help initiate for Avalon. We also retain exceptional Partners to initiate and manage regional buyers’ clubs.   

A magnifying glass over a group of people.