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The Avalon Private Equity Group functions as a cross between a Real Estate Investor Concierge Service on property matters, and a Private Equity firm on capital & arbitrage matters. We specialize in creating strategic Partnerships for the purposes of one-off property acquisitions up through large portfolio acquisitions. Our 40 years of valuation and acquisition experience affords us the skillsets necessary to navigate and or reverse engineer the investment process with ease as we convert dormant equity into cash flow. We’re not just here to serve property. We’re here to ‘package’ life changing opportunity.
To be clear, we designed this portal to engage with partners whose purpose or desire is to create well above average incomes. This could mean significant Paradigm Shifting and may involve the ability to move past norms and daily functions. For our platforms to work, the partners we select must have Million-dollar expectations. Million-dollar expectations begin with million-dollar conversations, and million-dollar conversations can lead to million-dollar actions and desired outcomes. Our core expectations will be presented and fulfilled through working “Direct Content”, “Immediate Immersion”, & “Rapid Fire Closings”, versus months of hoping a property Flip or BRRRR plan will work out.
From our exceptional Quick Start programs all the way up through our Luxury Unit Portals, we have the skillsets to organically create value through residential & Income property. WE ARE NOT WHOLESALERS by trade, however, we do engage them on occasion and may assign our interests or transactions whenever beneficial. And although we may engage “one off” transactional propositions as they are presented, we more so strive to engage sustainable portfolio acquisitions whenever possible. The services we offer can not be beat.
Avalon platforms were developed to create significant capital through Direct Content, Immediate immersion, and exceptional Rapid Fire Closing techniques
All members are required to own or create a business brand. Once our initial assessment is complete we will create a new brand or level up the existing brand
Avalon developed this Portal for Partners and affiliates who wish to move into the residential investment space immediately. Ask about our “no up front fee” program
Avalon Luxury Corridor Units are for partners who wish to participate in projects that have million dollar potential. Therefore, we developed a Luxury unit Portal that has seven figure potential within a single project. We work in tandem with the legal and real estate communities to come up with exceptional results
The most popular features offered by Avalon provide the opportunity for investors to take advantage of our special entry level programs designed to ease entry into the profession of real estate investing. Our programs offer everything from in-kind services all the way up through seven figure property and portfolio acquisitions
The employment market has recently undergone several unsettling changes over the past several months. With many companies opting to downsize and lay off their work force by the thousands, Avalon can offer solutions aimed at helping good people make the conversion from employee to business owner
Avalon has all members and partners consider an intense amplification of their income & cash flow process. We have developed several exceptional alternative income streams
Avalon creates the best private partnerships ever to help service our Acquisition partners. We have also created a hybrid debt / equity program where we share proceeds earned by Avalon with our Small Cap Partners, case by case
One of our missions is to keep our fingers on the pulse of what’s happening in every locale we engage our partners and potential members. From the local barber shop meet up all the way up through the Olympic Games
There is no amount of course work or presentations that can prepare individuals to become real estate investors. The absolute best training is hands on. The people we engage must have pre-determined that they want to move into the real estate investment space, and are ready to do so NOW. To this regard we prepare all of the people we engage, that with Avalon they are moving into “real time” hands on experience.
Immediate Immersion means that anyone Avalon partners with be ready to move into the investment space immediately. When we present a prospect or acquisition the partner we select for the project should expect to begin the acquisition process at once. Hence, they should also be ready to move forward with their own “due diligence” to assure for themselves that the project Avalon presents is right for their needs.
Rapid fire closing refers to the simultaneous closing of more than one acquisition. We base the core of this concept on the fact that each property can produce a modest pool of capital if structured properly. If ever anything goes wrong with one or more of the properties, the capital pool created through the acquisitions may help navigate the expense of the troubled project. The ABCs of real estate stand for Always Be Closing.