
 Email Address

 Contact Number

269 S Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA

(833) 338-0160

Quick Start & Resources

A computer keyboard with dollar bills on it.
Resources & Specials

FOR A LIMITED TIME: Avalon Per Diem services are billed at $250 per day (Minimal 3 days. $750). At least $50,000 of verifiable equity and or a property with a minimal cash flow of $100/mnth,  guaranteed PRIOR to per diem payment. Up to three people may participate in services & instruction. Maximum 3 people per cohort.  

The principals of Avalon have been in the real estate investment business for over thirty-five years. The experience of working through several cycles has afforded Avalon the ability to develop strategies that challenge common tactile real estate investment methods and allow us to create value through our own transactional methods. We didn’t design this program to make thousands of dollars. We designed it to make millions. Terms and conditions subject to change without notice. The following are resources used to make good deals happen.  

If you’re reading one of many books, publications, or blogs on real estate investing, chances are most scribes would have you buying, rehabbing, renting, and repeating (BRRR). And if this is the format you’re following you may have missed the boat, and definitely following the crowd.

Conversely, we would have you consider what could be an intense amplification of the process that has way more income and far less competition.

The first few ingredients may be true to form ( buy and renovate ), but since many variables could come into play that would wipe out any profits or cash flow, we have developed a concept we call weaponization of the entire spectrum of income and (forced) appreciation. The methods we have developed have placed most typical investment strategies on steroids.

Forced appreciation suggests finding ways to add value to a typical rental property, essentially creating more value and the ability to collect more income.

For example, many investors are adding rooms, or small units to their existing properties to create the value that warrants additional income.

We require all Clients to own or create a business Brand. Once we complete our initial assessment, we either create a new brand on their behalf (Trademark & Website only), and then determine if they wish to scale up the brand that we have created for them or scale up an existing brand they may have owned prior to engagement with Avalon.

There are many who want to become millionaires. But to become a millionaire you must engage in a million-dollar plan and into million-dollar conversations.  We welcome all challenges and look forward to authenticating our methods.  

Note: Avalon affords assistance as necessary. However, we are not responsible for the daily function or profitability of the businesses we help create. Once branding has been completed, the next phase will be the acquisition of a property. We do not provide funds for branding services. 

Meet the Director

Thank you for visiting our site. We hope to provide everyone who engages with Avalon all of the resources they need to be successful in bringing their businesses to life. Helping our community is what we do. Feel free to click onto “Director Bio” link above for more information on Director of Operations.