
 Email Address

 Contact Number

269 S Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA

(833) 338-0160

Per Diem Special

A computer keyboard with dollar bills on it.

Per Diem Special

($100,000 Equity Pool For Only $750*)

INTRODUCTORY PROGRAM:  One of the most popular features we offer is the opportunity for first time real estate investors to take advantage of our Per Diem specials. This service includes, but may not be limited to the following:

1. Identification of at least three acquisition projects with no less than $100,000 of verifiable equity per prospect engagement. 

2. Acquisition & Coordination of at least one of the selected projects. 

3. Filing of Ownership Entity (i.e. LLC, Corp, Trust).

4. Website & Domain.

5. Employers Identification Number.

6. Business Phone Number Reservation.

Services may or MAY NOT be in cities or areas where Per Diem participants reside. LOCALES are to be approved prior to payment for services. 

Ancillary Transaction fees payable to Avalon may be negotiated aside from any amounts stipulated in engagement for services. These fees will may not be attributed to or dilute amounts guaranteed under any agreement entered between Avalon or its partners, members, or clients. 

Avalon may receive ten percent (10%) or greater vested ownership interest in any property procured on behalf of members or partners.

*Avalon PEG maintains a 10% vested interest of every acquisition project. 

Rapid Fire Closings

Over forty years of experience in valuation and acquisition of residential property provides the backdrop for us to direct our Equity Partners on how to maximize profits.

Our “rapid fire” value creating techniques suggest we move on several projects simultaneously versus “one off” acquisition transactions. This method will typically create a cash pool that when managed property could draw from stronger projects to possibly assist projects that are not as strong. This method works best when the acquisition prospects are within a single portfolio. 

Once projects have been procured, Avalon PEG will provide direct consultation as necessary; however, Partners or members will agree to this prior to engagement. Per Diem fees are “stand alone,” and only applicable to one successful Equity Pool. e.g. a member map have one or several Per Diem services being provided simultaneously. Avalon PEG will not be responsible for the day-to-day context or business operations of members or clients.