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Advanced Branding

The business notes herein are direct paths into good operational structure. Although market share is important, we approach business from a posture of abundance vs. competition. This means there is a limitless amount of form and substance, and subject matters to select that a good business model can be developed from. Organic business models should be able to stand on their own. This means if you leave the business for any reason, the business should continue to operate. If the intended business can-not operate without your presence, it is technically a paid hobby at best.  Any intended business that does not carefully implement core structures of a sustainable system WILL FAIL sooner or later. 

Note: Avalon affords assistance as necessary. However, we are not responsible for the daily function or profitability of the businesses we help create. Once branding has been completed, the next phase will be the acquisition of a property. We do not provide funds for branding services.

Five Core Elements

Sustainable business models should always be able to function on their own merit, independent of individual functionaries such as a single Principal or others involved with the daily function. To this regard there are Five Core Elements that must be developed to insure any business can function into its prescribed mission. The following Core Elements represent the necessary ingredients that go into a well-designed business system:  

What are you hoping to accomplish into profitability or service?  What do you want to do? What do you do best? What are you qualified to do? Have you taken the time to develop a cohesive business system are the biggest questions to be answered when constructing a Business Mission.

Who are the most talented people you can find to help you accomplish your Mission? I like to establish a binary tree, ie. I’m at the top place and noted as CEO. Then I’ll have two main operatives directly under me. One will be my COO, and the other will be my CFO.  Your COO should have a proven track record of fulling missions like the one you set out to accomplish. He or she should follow your direction implicitly, but to the outside world it should appear like this person is running the company. You are just a smiling figure head, and no one should be able to get to you unless they go through your COO first. Your CFO should have verifiable proof of honesty and your best interest. This person should also make sure all tax events are handled and know how to leverage your business up at all times. 

Communication – How are you planning to get your message out. The best-case scenario is putting it out to those that are already on your frequency. Not necessarily smarter or not as smart. All about hearing and being tuned into your message. 

Cash Flow is tantamount to Revenues (All cash in) minus expenses, taxes, and insurance = Cash Flow. A general rule of thumb that we believe in is if you want to buy anything have three times the amount of that item in cash on hand. Professional financial management is always in order and to be maintained by the CFO and monitored daily by you.  

There are always legal ramifications involved in operating a business. Not to be confused with necessity to have an attorney. Some filings, ordinance compliance, and functions of the business you will run could be handled by you. However, attorneys should be consulted on complex matters.

Business Credit

This business content is not exhaustive, and NOT GUARANTEED. This content simply represents suggestions to our affiliates and members, and the best information available at the time we researched credit industry niches. They could all be here today and gone tomorrow. Therefore, we have developed a multi-phase approach that we believe will bolster your credit profiles for those who may find it beneficial. Those with exceptional profiles may opt to bypass initial recommendations.


Phase One: (Establish the foundation of the business). Establish your business name and determine where you want your business to be legally registered. THEN file it with the Secretary of that State. THEN, file for an Employee Identification Number from the Internal Revenue Service. THEN, create a website for the business. THEN, establish a business phone number. THEN, establish the address where your business will operate out of. THEN, obtain any necessary licenses for the business. THEN, list your business in a formidable 411 information directory. Note: It may at times be prudent to acquire one or more pre-existing corporations or businesses that are no longer functional. From there we would rehab the business model, incorporate one of our models, and operate the business under our new management and ownership. The following websites can be extremely helpful. | 

Phase Two: (Establish Account With CRAs). Next reach out to Dun & Bradstreet, Experian Business, Equifax Business, and a free monitoring service can be found at THEN, go to credit-reports-small-business / | Get a copy of your business credit report and check for accuracy. Maintain positive accounts.     

Phase Three: (Dispute Negative Information). First freeze credit information reported by the shadow credit reporting agencies (Lexis Nexis, Innovis, ARS, Sagestream, Corelogic, etc. GO TO for complete list of shadow credit reporting agencies). Then dispute derogatory info to the main credit bureaus. The fair credit reporting act dictates any info that can- not be verified must be removed within a statutory time period. PAY OFF any outstanding balances and negotiate collection removal from your report. There is at least one shadow credit reporter who only corresponds through fax. Those who don’t have fax machines can go to and follow instructions to generate a one-off fax record.   

Phase Four: (Establish Vendor & Lender Accounts). Those with less than good personal credit should go the route of applying for Net 30 accounts and secured loan and credit card products. Those with exceptional personal credit may opt to apply for mid-level to higher end revolving credit and lending options. However, we have found that Credit Unions are the best options to build into the higher end business credit thresholds. Then larger banks such as Wells Fargo, Corporate American Express, B of A, and other large banks are happy to provide credit.

Phase Five: (High Limit Strategies). If your business only collects small fees for goods and services you can expect small credit limits. Conversely, larger ticket items will garner larger limits and credit lines. No more than two accounts should be applied for every four to six months.  

Money is a measured transfer of wealth commensurate to the value of the goods and / or services for which the transfer is made. Money is also a manifestation of a specified set of “perfected communications”, with respect to time, and NOT just a noun merely to be spent on goods and services. 

Does time equal money? Making a few thousand dollars a day to most people is far better than making minimum wage. So a critical question could be, “How much is your time worth”? And can you communicate, coordinate, and facilitate well enough to increase your time / value trade off ratio, and at what speed? The answer to this question can determine the power and speed of the value you command.

Brand Assessment
We assess where you are in your journey and where you would like to go
Business Branding
After assessment, we then move to build out our client's Brand
Advanced Branding
Advanced Branding Portal involves the purchase & reorganization of existing businesses